Photo Sep 30 2023, 9 07 34 AM

Annual Charity Prom

Many young girls dream of being a princess and like to play dress up.

When Girls Play Off-Road started, the founders thought what fun it would be to have a Jeep Prom. Everyone would dress up and wheel in a prom dress. Thus began the Annual Prom Event. With a strong fundamental of the group of giving back to the community, founder, Jaimee Stecker-Betts, decided that not only would dresses be worn by those wheeling, but they would then donate the dresses to underprivileged teens.

Girls Play Off-Road is giving girls the chance to look like a beautiful princess once again. If parents are falling on hard times and having problems paying rent and/or bills, how could they afford to buy a prom dress for their daughter. Girls should not miss out on this life event because they cannot afford a nice dress.

Over the last three years, the group has collected approximately 700 dresses. But how does this all happen?

In addition to collecting dresses at the Prom Event, Girls Play Off-Road reaches out to companies requesting donations for the raffle event held at the end of the day. All funds raised through the raffles are donated to a pre-designated charity. For 2023, the funds will be donated to Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

On the day of the event, everyone (men and women) wears a dress to the event and are encouraged to embrace the spirit of the event. Pictures are taken of all attendees individually and as a group, then the dresses are taken off and put into safe keeping before everyone heads out to the trails for a day of fun. During the event, the group’s administration team evaluate everyone’s participation in the event. Once everyone returns from a fun day on the trails, dinner is served while the raffle winners are announced. The event concludes with the crowing of the Prom King & Queen.

The 4th Annual Prom Event was held at Rausch Creek Offroad Park in Pine Grove, PA on September 30, 2023. The event kicked off at 9:00 AM. 

New for 2023, a limited number of VIP packages were available for those who wanted to add two additional days prior to Saturday’s event. Attendees got to join our founder, Jaimee, on this VIP package which consisted of one day of wheeling at Anthracite Outdoor Adventure Area (“AOAA”), followed by dinner on Thursday, one additional day of wheeling at Rausch Creek Offroad park on Friday, and a limited-edition Girls Play Off-Road hooded sweatshirt. 

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